Sep 23, 2024

News/Notes for Undergraduate Advisors - Pivot with Purpose - Students Exploring their Major Possibilities | Key FERPA Principles for Academic Advisors

Please review these items to assist with your work with advisees, as well as for your professional and personal information. If appropriate, feel free to pass along to your students. Pivot with Purpose - Students Exploring their Major Possibilities | Key FERPA Principles for Academic Advisors
Pivot with Purpose - Helping Students Explore Their Major Possibilities
  • The Office of Academic Advising (OAA) has launched a new program this year Pivot with Purpose - Explore your Major Possibilities to help students who may be considering a major change.
  • If you have a student who is considering changing their major or wanting to explore their options, academic advisors in OAA can help connect the student's interests and goals with UNI major and minor options.
    • Faculty and staff can complete a referral form to request an advisor in OAA communicate with a student to explore their options.
  • Students can use the Thinking of Changing Your Major web page for information related to personality, interests, values, skills; questions to ask and reasons to consider changing a major; and to request assistance from the Office of Academic Advising.
Key FERPA Principles for Academic Advisors
  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records and personally identifiable information.
    • When a student reaches 18 years of age or attends an institution of postsecondary education at any age, the student becomes an “eligible student,” and all rights under FERPA transfer from the parent to the student.
  • From What Faculty and Staff Need to Know from the UNI Office of the Registrar: "As a faculty or staff member at the University of Northern Iowa, you have a legal responsibility under FERPA to protect the confidentiality of student educational records in your possession. Student educational records (other than directory information) are considered confidential and may not be released without written consent of the student."
  • Key points to know:
    • Student Rights: FERPA grants students the right to inspect and review their education records, request amendments to inaccurate or misleading records, and consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information
    • Confidentiality: Advisors must protect the confidentiality of student records.
    • Legitimate Educational Interest: Advisors can access student records only if they have a legitimate educational interest, meaning the information is necessary for them to fulfill their professional responsibilities
    • Directory Information: Directory information (e.g., name, address, phone number), can be disclosed without the student’s consent unless the student has opted out of such disclosures
    • Parental Access: Once a student enrolls in a postsecondary institution, FERPA rights transfer from the parents to the student. Parents can only access the student’s records if the student provides written consent
    • Training and Compliance: Advisors should undergo regular FERPA training to stay updated on compliance requirements and best practices
  • Custodians of Educational Records at UNI (including record type, responsible office, and custodian)
Institutional Academic Advising Vision & Mission Statement (revised Spring 2016) [See Academic Advising Mission, Vision, Goals & Outcomes webpage]
  • Vision Statement: UNI aspires to create the best possible advising experience for each student.
  • Mission Statement: Academic Advising is a critical component of the teaching and learning environment at UNI. Advising is a personalized educational experience, empowering students to explore, articulate and achieve their academic, career and life goals.