Oct 28, 2024
News/Notes for Undergraduate Advisors - Drop-In Hours for Advising Centers | Reminder: Majors in Minutes | Spring 2025 Course Highlights | Registration TIQs (Tips, Information & Questions)
Please review these items to assist with your work with advisees, as well as for your professional and personal information. If appropriate, feel free to pass along to your students. Drop-In Hours for Advising Centers | Reminder: Majors in Minutes | Spring 2025 Course Highlights | Registration TIQs (Tips, Information & Questions)
Drop-In Hours for Advising Centers Note: Days of operation for each center is Monday - Friday.
- Wilson College of Business
- The Office for Professional Distinction (OPD) in the Wilson College of Business will provide walk-in appointments for students at the following times:
- Monday, November 4 - Friday, November 22 either in person (Curris Business Building (CBB) 5 or via Zoom
- 9:00AM-12:00PM | 1:00-4:00PM
- Monday, November 4 - Friday, November 22 either in person (Curris Business Building (CBB) 5 or via Zoom
- Any student required to enroll in a business course as part of a major can visit the office for assistance during their priority registration time.
- Non-business majors requesting to take a business course for a minor, certificate or general interest, should visit the office for registration assistance from November 20-22.
- Students can also email the office directly with questions anytime at opd@uni.edu.
- The Office for Professional Distinction (OPD) in the Wilson College of Business will provide walk-in appointments for students at the following times:
- College of Education Advising & Teacher Education Success (CATS) Office
- The advising team in the College of Education Advising & Teacher Education Success (CATS) Office will provide drop-in appointments for students at the following times
- Thursday, October 31 through Friday, November 22nd either in person (Schindler Education Center, Room 151, CATS Office) or via Zoom
- 8:30AM-12:00PM | 1:00-4:00PM.
- Thursday, October 31 through Friday, November 22nd either in person (Schindler Education Center, Room 151, CATS Office) or via Zoom
- Appointments will be first come, first served and will be geared towards registration & Spring 2025 class related questions.
- The advising team in the College of Education Advising & Teacher Education Success (CATS) Office will provide drop-in appointments for students at the following times
- Office of Academic Advising
- The Office of Academic Advising will provide walk-in appointments for students at the following times:
- Thursday, November 14 - Wednesday, November 20 either in person (Innovative Teaching & Technology Center (ITTC) 007 or via Zoom
- 12:30-4:00PM
- 12:30-4:00PM
- Thursday, November 14 - Wednesday, November 20 either in person (Innovative Teaching & Technology Center (ITTC) 007 or via Zoom
- The Office of Academic Advising will provide walk-in appointments for students at the following times:
Reminder: Majors in Minutes
- Majors in Minutes - a campus-wide event open to all students - is tomorrow (Tuesday, October 29, 2024) from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. in the Maucker Union Ballrooms.
- This annual fall semester event sponsored by the Office of Academic Advising connects students with peers in academic majors at UNI to learn more about their field of study!
- Using a group, speed-dating format, students can explore various majors by engaging in discussions, reviewing information, and asking questions with current students in those programs - visiting as many or as few majors as they wish!
- Why should students be encouraged to attend Majors in Minutes?
- To confirm their currently declared major choice
- Explore options to add a second (or third) major or minors/certificates to their current academic program
- They are thinking about changing their major
- They know they want to change their major
Spring 2025 Course Highlights
- History Department: UNIFI Courses and Options for Students Needing University Electives without Prerequisites
- The History Department is offering sections of Topics courses in the UNIFI Human Expression, Human Condition Globa, and Responsibility categories
- HIST 2011 Engaging Sources (Human Expression) | HIST 2210 Problems & Perspectives in Global History (Human Condition Global) | HIST 2059 Health in History & HIST 3110 Conflict and Justice in History (Responsibility)
- The Spring 2025 Courses for UNIFI and Students Needing University Electives without Prerequisites document includes topic information and brief course descriptions for sections to help guide students to courses of interest
- Please contact Jen McNabb, Head of History, with questions
- The History Department is offering sections of Topics courses in the UNIFI Human Expression, Human Condition Globa, and Responsibility categories
- Sustainability Courses Spring 2025
- There are now two UNI Sustainability options (a Certificate and a Minor):
- University-wide Certificate @ 15-17 hours
- University-wide Minor @ 21-24 hours
- The UNI Sustainability Certificate and Minor are based on the same classes. They work to provide students opportunities to explore how Sustainability may be applied to their majors and life’s work.
- The NEW UNI Sustainability Minor is an additional 6 to 7 credits or two more classes beyond the certificate for students that have interest, time and room in their schedules.
- Learn more about the Spring 2025 Sustainability Courses (Descriptions and Information) through this link or downloaded from the attached pdf file.
- Note: A UNIFI Certificate in Sustainability is also offered. This certificate encompasses interdisciplinary topics that address how to promote human prosperity while protecting the planet. This certificate will equip students to understand the ways in which the economy, environment, and human welfare can operate in harmony, and to understand the value of a systems thinking approach.
- There are now two UNI Sustainability options (a Certificate and a Minor):
Registration TIQs (Tips, Information & Questions)
- UNIFI | General Education
- Administrative and advising notes for UNIFI
- All courses taken to meet UNIFI/General Education requirements must be taken for graded credit.
- An Associate of Arts (AA) or an Associate of Science (AS) degree from any accredited institution of higher education shall be accepted to meet all UNIFI/General Education program requirements.
- General education certificates can be a great way for students to examine issues from a variety of perspectives and disciplines, creating a holistic understanding that can be carried straight into the working world.
- General Education certificates are declared by a student on the Declaration of Curriculum form by choosing the "Certificate" option as the type of academic program.
- The UNIFI | General Education Program website is now updated to include all of the General Education Certificates currently available to students.
- General Education Certificated Offered: Career Success in Organizations | Civic Literacy, Engagement and the Humanities | Creative Expression and Meaning | Critical Thinking and Information Literacy | Data Science | Developmental Considerations | Diversity, Equity and Inclusion | East Asia | Innovation in Leadership | Sustainability | THRIVE! Certificate | United States Studies
- Download the UNIF Foundational Inquiry (UNIFI) Advising Guide 2024-25 (pdf file) for UNIFI and General Education Certificate requirements, course descriptions, advising guidelines, and policies and procedures.
- Administrative and advising notes for UNIFI
Institutional Academic Advising Vision & Mission Statement (revised Spring 2016) [See Academic Advising Mission, Vision, Goals & Outcomes webpage]
- Vision Statement: UNI aspires to create the best possible advising experience for each student.
- Mission Statement: Academic Advising is a critical component of the teaching and learning environment at UNI. Advising is a personalized educational experience, empowering students to explore, articulate and achieve their academic, career and life goals.