Nov 27, 2023
News/Notes for Undergraduate Advisors: Adjusting Final Examination Schedule - For Students | New UNIFI Courses for Spring 2024 | Changing Sections UNIV 1010 First Year Cornerstone II | Interior Design - Coursework & Admissions
Please review these items to assist with your work with advisees as well for professional/personal information - or if appropriate to pass along to your students. Adjusting Final Examination Schedule - For Students | New UNIFI Courses for Spring 2024 | Changing Sections UNIV 1010 First Year Cornerstone II | Interior Design - Coursework & Admissions | Academic Advisor Portal | Institutional Academic Advising Vision & Mission Statement
Adjusting Final Examination Schedule - For Students
- Information about the Final Examination Schedule for the semester can be found on this page from the Office of the Registrar.
- A student request to take final examinations at times other than as scheduled should be granted for only the most urgent reasons
- For a student who needs to take a final examination at a time other than as scheduled:
- For personal reasons - The student should work with the instructor and department head as needed to reschedule a final exam
- If a faculty member moves the final for the entire class and the student wants to take the exam on a different day - The student should work with the instructor, department head, and college dean as needed to reschedule a final exam.
- For three or more final exams on the same day - If all faculty members decline to move the student's final exam, the student would complete an academic student request to initiate a formal administrative process
- See Utilizing the Online Student Request System for additional information.
- A student should choose the request type "Other" indicating the need to move one of their three final exams.
- For a student who needs to take a final examination at a time other than as scheduled:
New UNIFI Courses for Spring 2024
- HIST 1210 Making the Modern World - Section 05
- The Department of History will be offering HIST 1210 Making the Modern World section 05 as a second 8-week course.
- This course meets the UNIFI: Discover - Human Condition (Global) requirement with the section being offered online and asynchronous for the Spring 2024 semester
- SOCFOUND 2274 Democracy and Education in the 21st Century - Section 03
- This course meets the UNIFI: Discover - Responsibility requirement.
- This course meets the UNIFI: Discover - Responsibility requirement.
Changing Sections UNIV 1010 First Year Cornerstone II
- For a student who needs to request a change in their UNIV 1010 First Year Cornerstone II sections for the Spring 2024 semester:
- Students are only allowed to change sections if they have a time conflict with a MAJOR level course and their current Cornerstone course section.
- The process to request a change in their Cornerstone section is
- The student should work with their academic advisor
- The advisor should send Nikki Harken an email that states:
- The major course that conflicts with Cornerstone (this helps us to avoid future conflicts)
- 2-3 workable Cornerstone sections for Spring 2024
- Nikki will work with both outgoing and incoming Cornerstone faculty to make sure the switch works
- Please do not guarantee students a spot in another section. When moving students for these reasons, the goal is to keep sections relatively even.
Interior Design - Coursework & Admissions
- For the Spring 2024 semester, the Interior Design program admissions portfolio class INTDSGN1061 Design Foundations is closed and cannot take additional students.
- To be eligible for portfolio review for admissions, students need these classes
- INTDSGN1061 Design Foundations | INTDSGN1063 Drafting for Interiors | INTDSGN1065 Design Visualization and Communication | INTDSGN1067 History of Interiors
- Please advise non-admitted students interested in the Interior Design program to register for:
- Spring 2024: INTDSGN1065 Design Visualization and Communication | INTDSGN1067 History of Interiors
- Fall 2024: INTDSGN1061 Design Foundations | INTDSGN1063 Drafting for Interiors
- With questions/additional information on the Interior Design major and/or program admission requirements, contact Gowri Betrabet Gulwadi (213 Latham Hal / 319-273-2603)
Academic Advisor Portal
- The Academic Advisor Portal is a centralized point for campus-wide UNI faculty and staff academic advisors, as well as student success partners, for information and resources to enhance work with students and further expand professional development.
- Highlights of the portal include: Advisor Toolbox - including scheduling and registration resources | Academic Advisor FAQs | UNI Advising Network | News, Information & Announcements
Institutional Academic Advising Vision & Mission Statement (revised Spring 2016) [See Academic Advising Mission, Vision, Goals & Outcomes webpage]
- Vision Statement: UNI aspires to create the best possible advising experience for each student.
- Mission Statement: Academic Advising is a critical component of the teaching and learning environment at UNI. Advising is a personalized educational experience, empowering students to explore, articulate and achieve their academic, career and life goals.