Oct 07, 2024
News/Notes for Undergraduate Advisors: 2nd Half Semester UNIFI Courses - Fall 2024 Semester | Office of International Engagement (OIE) Wants Your Input! | Study Abroad Summer Programs Fair | Registration TIQs (Tips, Information and Questions)
Please review these items to assist with your work with advisees, as well as for your professional and personal information. If appropriate, feel free to pass along to your students. 2nd Half Semester UNIFI Courses - Fall 2024 Semester | Office of International Engagement (OIE) Wants Your Input! | Study Abroad Summer Programs Fair | Registration TIQs (Tips, Information and Questions)
2nd Half Semester UNIFI Courses - Fall 2024 Semester
- A limited number of seats are available in 2nd half semester (section 9X) UNIFI | General Education courses for the Fall 2024 semester.
- These courses could be an option for a student especially if they have withdrawn from a course and can help meet a UNIFI or major/minor requirement and/or earn at least 12 credit hours for the semester.
- A student is encouraged to first speak with their assigned academic advisor to review their current course schedule for the Fall 2024 semester and discuss the option of adding a second half semester class based upon credit hour load to be successful, UNIFI or major/minor requirements needed, as well as credit hours to be earned for the semester.
- 2nd Half Semester (Section 9x) UNIFI Courses:
- ENTR 1010 Overview of Entrepreneurship Section 91 and Section 92 | Online - Contact Elisabeth Soliz (Wilson College of Business) for approval to enroll in these sections if available.
- HIST 1210 Making of the Modern World Section 90 | Online - Add form should be brought to the History Department (Seerley 319) for approval to enroll in this section if available.
- Note: A section of HIST 1210 Making of the Modern World is planned to be offered in the Winter 2024/25 term as another alternative for a student who may need additional credit hours.
- HIST 2210 Topic: One Thousand Yrs Samurai Section 90 | Online - Add form should be brought to the History Department (Seerley 319) for approval to enroll in this section if available.
- LITED 1044 Children's Literature Section 90 | Online - Contact Jenny Connolly (College of Education) for approval to enroll in this section if available.
- Note: this non-UNIFI 2nd half semester course is also available for enrollments:
- SPED 3150 Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in the Classroom Section 90 | Online | Prerequisite: EDPSYCH 2030 Dynamics of Human Development - Contact Jenny Connolly (College of Education) for approval to enroll in this section if available.
- SPED 3150 Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners in the Classroom Section 90 | Online | Prerequisite: EDPSYCH 2030 Dynamics of Human Development - Contact Jenny Connolly (College of Education) for approval to enroll in this section if available.
Office of International Engagement (OIE) Wants Your Input!
- The Office of International Engagement (OIE) would like to hear from academic advisors about their work, challenges, and successes when engaging with international students.
- Please complete this 2 minute survey (https://forms.gle/YL9gBboaxkJcyKcc9) to share your input!
Study Abroad Summer Programs Fair
- On Wednesday, October 9, 2024 from 1pm-3pm in Maucker Union Ballroom the Study Abroad Center is hosting a Summer 2025 Programs Fair! (see attached pdf informational flyer)
- Students can explore all of the Summer 2025 Faculty-led programs and have an opportunity to speak with past participants of the program as well as the course leaders they may be traveling with.
- Pumpkin bars and apple cider will also be provided!
Registration TIQs (Tips, Information and Questions)
- As Spring 2025 advanced registration is less than one month away for graduate students and seniors, each week through November 18 we will include semester registration TIQs (tips, information and questions) in the newsletter
- What are the undergraduate degree minimum total hours requirements for graduation? (Information from 2024-25 UNI Catalog - Undergraduate Information and Degree Requirements)
- 120 semester hours - Bachelor of Arts | Bachelor of Arts - Teaching | Bachelor of Applied Science | Bachelor of Music | Bachelor of Science in Nursing | Bachelor of Social Work | Bachelor of Liberal Studies
- 120 semester hours - Bachelor of Science (effective with the 2023-24 catalog)
- 122 semester hours - Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree
- How is a student's enrollment date and time assigned?
- A student's enrollment date/time is based on the academic level and cumulative earned units at the start of the current term enrolled and assigned between 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. each business day falling within the advance registration period.
- What if a student wants to make a change in their declared academic program(s)?
- An academic program (major, minor, or certificate) can be added or removed through the Declaration of Curriculum form.
- The department of the NEW major must approve a declaration.
- If declaring a second or third Major, departmental approval for EACH is required.
- If a student is changing to the Exploratory Major, they should visit the Office of Academic Advising (ITTC 007) for major advisor signature.
- Declaring a Minor and/or Program Certificate may require departmental approval. The student should consult with the appropriate department for specifics.
- Students who want to declare a UNIFI | General Education certificate may also do so on this form.
- The Declaration of Curriculum form MUST either be submitted in person to the Office of the Registrar (115 Gilchrist Hall) with a photo id or be sent from the student's UNI email to registrar@uni.eduregistrar@uni.edu
- How is a student's classification determined?
- A student's classification is based upon credit hours:
- 0 - 29 hours - Freshman | 30 - 59 hours - Sophomore | 60 - 89 hours - Junior | 90 + hours - Senior
- When enrolling for the next semester, the registration system will project if a student has hours earned plus hours enrolled in for the current semester to move them to the next clafficiation level.
- Ex. A student who has 50 hours earned at the beginning of the semester and is registered in 12 hours for the current semester, will be projected as a junior classification when enrolling for the next semester.
- A student's classification is based upon credit hours:
- What are the undergraduate degree minimum total hours requirements for graduation? (Information from 2024-25 UNI Catalog - Undergraduate Information and Degree Requirements)
Institutional Academic Advising Vision & Mission Statement (revised Spring 2016) [See Academic Advising Mission, Vision, Goals & Outcomes webpage]
- Vision Statement: UNI aspires to create the best possible advising experience for each student.
- Mission Statement: Academic Advising is a critical component of the teaching and learning environment at UNI. Advising is a personalized educational experience, empowering students to explore, articulate and achieve their academic, career and life goals.