Sep 30, 2024
News/Notes for Undergraduate Academic Advisors: UNI Graduate & Professional School Fair | Academic Success Workshops for Students
Please review these items to assist with your work with advisees, as well as for your professional and personal information. If appropriate, feel free to pass along to your students. UNI Graduate & Professional School Fair | Academic Success Workshops for Students
UNI Graduate & Professional School Fair
- Advisors please promote and encourage your students to attend this Graduate and Professional School Fair with over 40 schools in attendance! Participation helps students explore their future educational opportunities but also encourages more institutions to attend this event in the future!
- Friday, October 4, 2024 | Maucker Union Ballrooms
- Fair: 10:00am - 12:00pm
- Informational Sessions: 12:00pm - 2:30pm
- What to Expect: Representatives from renowned universities and institutions offering advanced degrees in a variety of fields with both students and faculty members.
- Connect and Network: Students can forge meaningful connections with admissions officers and faculty members. Gain valuable insights into program specifics, admission requirements, financial aid opportunities, and more. This is a student's chance to ask questions and gather firsthand information to guide their future path.
- Prepare for Success: Learn about application strategies, entrance exams, and tips for crafting compelling personal statements. The informational sessions from 1:00pm to 3:00pm will equip a student with the tools you need to navigate the graduate school application process confidently.
- Programs Scheduled to Attend:
Academic Success Workshops for Students
- Academic Success Workshops, offered by The Learning Center@Rod Library, are held every Tuesday at 4 p.m. in Rod Library 272.
- October 1 - Test Anxiety
- Tips to reduce test anxiety. Utilize free campus resources to help reach your academic potential.
- October 8 - Gmail and Google Drive Organization
- Find the emails and files you need fasters by logically organizing your Google spaces
- Find the emails and files you need fasters by logically organizing your Google spaces
- October 1 - Test Anxiety
Institutional Academic Advising Vision & Mission Statement (revised Spring 2016) [See Academic Advising Mission, Vision, Goals & Outcomes webpage]
- Vision Statement: UNI aspires to create the best possible advising experience for each student.
- Mission Statement: Academic Advising is a critical component of the teaching and learning environment at UNI. Advising is a personalized educational experience, empowering students to explore, articulate and achieve their academic, career and life goals.